Written by:

Holly Macdonald


April 22, 2010

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So, I spent a couple of hours today with a group of principals, which was kind of intimidating, but turned out to be a fantastic opportunity. We spent the time talking about Web 2.0 tools and how they could be used to enhance their “business” – as leaders they could use these tools to work better, and as educators, they could really blend some of these high tech options with traditional education, while they are building a plan for some more transformational practices. 

I found this fantastic paper, thanks to Jane Hart’s blog, which really contributed to the discussion.  This great group of principals talked about 21st century learning in a learning/student-centric way.  They have a vision of where they want to go, but like many organizations, struggle to break the journey down into small pieces.   

Maybe we make it harder than it needs to be?  I have recently watched both Dave Eggers and Jamie Oliver’s TED talks, and both of these guys have figured out a way to use their professional skills to help our kids. Dave has an army of tutors operating in very unusual ways. Dave is a writer and all his friends/colleagues are writers. Here in Canada, we have some challenges around this due to our highly unionized teaching profession, but Dave starts by offering store front tutoring (in a Pirate Supply shop), and is later invited into the schools. His premise is simple – give the kids one-on-one attention. Jamie also is giving his talents around food and cooking to inspire, teach, motivate people kids (and adults) to cook and eat healthy options. He’s immersed himself in this.  Simple stuff.  Powerful stuff.  But, there are just not enough people who do this.    

We all need to build the citizens and workers of tomorrow, remember???