“Training for Good”
There’s a lot of focus in the L&D world on corporate applications of training or...
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I recently wrote about how Twitter made me feel dumb. I was willing to declare my dumbness in order to make others feel like they weren’t alone. After a few weeks of bravely sticking the badge on my posts, the latest tally is downright embarassing. I thought that I might get a respectable 5 tweets, but it seems that I am instead shouting to the world (or the few that are listening) that I have nothing important to say. How pathetic. So, not only does Twitter make me feel dumb, apparently it makes me look stupid, too.
What to do? Do I take the tweet button off so I’m at least not advertising my lameness? Do I go on a campaign to get more followers? If so, how does one do that? Do I just give up on Twitter altogether?