Written by:

Holly Macdonald


December 24, 2010

An eye-tracking Heatmap showing where a subjec...

Image via Wikipedia

One of the challenges of social media is the ongoing addition of new tools to play with in addition to managing the ones that change if you’ve invested time in using them (like delicious).  But, they are fun to try and nothing lasts forever.

Recently I’ve tinkered with:

  • flavors.me, which is a personal landing page and like how the feeds are displayed – it is more of an “externally” facing aggregator
  • about.me, which is also a personal landing page – ditto on the external
  • I also found this symbaloo thing, which I haven’t yet had time to tinker with as much as I want, but is visually appealing.  I like the idea of having your PLN in one spot/landing page.  This is a more social type of aggregator.

I’ve heard about but not really played with these publishing tools:

  • tumblr – a kind of “post anything” type of service
  • posterous – similar to tumblr, not sure I can tell the difference
  • amplify – links your twitter/facebook updates to blog posts

All kind of ways of controlling the litany of services, “social middleware” so to speak.  I am about to get a blackberry torch.  I wonder if that will change things for me or not?